Learn more about initiatives we’re supporting and how we’re moving Wisconsin toward becoming carbon free by 2050.

Campaign Shows How New Methane Gas Plants Will Harm Our People, Planet And Pocketbooks

Official Release

The landmark Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) was the first major piece of legislation passed by Congress to address climate change. The IRA, which was signed into law in 2022, created a pathway to clean energy and climate investments – the largest investment in our history. Now, these investments are powering Wisconsin’s clean energy future.

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The Clean Economy Coalition of Wisconsin celebrates Wisconsin becoming the first state in the nation to launch the Home Efficiency (HOMES) portion of the Home Energy Rebate Program.

Official Release
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The Clean Economy Coalition of Wisconsin (CECW) believes We Energies’ plans for new fossil fuel infrastructure are inconsistent with Wisconsin’s economic future and slows the path to decarbonization. Learn more about the far-reaching consequences for the economic and clean energy future of the state.

Official Release

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The Clean Economy Coalition of Wisconsin (CECW) is thrilled that the state of Wisconsin and Wisconsin Tribes have been awarded grants through the Environmental Protection Agency’s Solar for All competition.

Official Release
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As the legislative session comes to a close, the passage of this legislation showcases the Coalition’s role in driving meaningful progress toward a clean economy future. The legislative win underscores the Coalition’s strength as it approaches its one-year anniversary on March 29.

Official Release
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The Clean Economy Coalition applauds the bipartisan passage of SB 791, which if signed by Governor Evers along with SB 792, will enable the buildout of Wisconsin’s electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure across the state and allows access to $78 million in federal funding through the National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) program.

Official Release

The Clean Economy Coalition of Wisconsin continues to urge legislators to vote no on AJR6 to maintain the Constitution and the process that’s worked for our state over the last 175 years.

Official Release

The CECW urges bipartisan collaboration to confirm qualified candidates for the two vacant PSC positions to build Wisconsin’s clean energy economy, create jobs, reduce emissions, and put forward-thinking climate policies first. The energy choices made now will impact every level of our economy for years to come.

Official Release

The Clean Economy Coalition of Wisconsin strongly opposes Assembly Joint Resolution 6 and encourages state legislators to vote against it in the upcoming session.

Official Release
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The Clean Economy Coalition of Wisconsin (CECW) is marking the first anniversary of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), the first major piece of legislation passed by Congress to address climate change. This landmark legislation has set in motion a number of advancements across the state, accelerating the state’s transition to a clean energy economy.

Official Release
CECW Partner Quote Sheet
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The Clean Economy Coalition of Wisconsin applauds Governor Tony Evers for his visionary leadership in protecting the state’s clean economy. His recent legislative vetoes of bills that would have prevented Wisconsin communities from barring the use of vehicles and appliances powered by fossil fuels are a testament of his dedication to fostering a sustainable and prosperous future for Wisconsin. 

This commitment to promoting clean energy technologies not only prioritizes the wellbeing of our environment and the health of our citizens, but also takes a proactive stance in steering Wisconsin’s economy towards a greener, more resilient path. 

As innovative clean energy technologies and industries continue to evolve and become more accessible to Wisconsinites, our state should be working to make it easier and more equitable to adopt these new sources. This approach will help accelerate the state’s transformation to a clean energy economy and achieve our decarbonization goals. 

Official Release
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The CECW celebrates the appointment of 5 partners to the Governor’s Green Ribbon Commission on Clean Energy and Environmental Innovation. The creation of the Commission on Clean Energy and Environmental Innovation will advise on creating the state’s first Green Innovation Fund – commonly known as a “Green Bank.” Wisconsin’s Green Innovation Fund will leverage public and private financing to invest in projects that provide environmental and clean energy solutions and advance the state’s efforts to become carbon-free by 2050.

Official Release
Wisconsin Office of the Governor Release

Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers, Milwaukee Mayor Cavalier Johnson, Milwaukee County Executive David County and many others were in attendance to support the public launch of the Clean Economy Coalition of Wisconsin on March 29th. The Coalition’s goals are to advocate for people-centered policies – across all levels of government – that improve Wisconsinites’ quality of life, protect our state’s vibrant landscape and unlock economic opportunity.

Official Release 
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Wisconsin Office of the Governor Release 

RENEW Wisconsin and Clean Wisconsin have developed a detailed energy and economic modeling that shows Wisconsin can cost-effectively transition to net zero emissions by 2050. Achieving a net-zero economy brings eye-opening benefits:

  • $2-4.4 billion in avoided healthcare costs in 2050
  • 28 to 63 fewer deaths per million people from air pollution in 2050
  • Growth in Gross State Product by approximately 3%, adding around $16 billion to Wisconsin’s economy and 68,000 additional Wisconsin jobs
  • Lower out-of-pocket costs for fuel and energy
  • An astounding reduction in greenhouse gas emissions—some 122 million metric tons by 2050
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To challenge We Energies’ request to increase electricity and gas rates by at least 13% across the state, Clean Economy Coalition of Wisconsin partner Walnut Way Conservation Corp. has stepped up as an intervenor in the case in front of the Public Service Commission. Other partners are providing support to challenge these increases – including Clean Wisconsin, Wisconsin Health Professionals for Climate Action, Citizen Action of Wisconsin and Sierra Club – which would disproportionately affect Black, Hispanic and Latinx neighborhoods.

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In April 2022, Governor Tony Evers introduced Wisconsin’s first-ever Clean Energy Plan. The plan, which was developed with input from hundreds of stakeholders including members of the Coalition for a Clean Economy, provides a pathway for Wisconsin to build a robust clean energy workforce, save billions of dollars, and become more energy independent.

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